What is ATL Hip Hop Culture?
This is a difficult question and has several answers, but I’ll condense my response into five major categories:
- Mother Hip Hop (The Spiritual Essence and Divine Spark)
- The Indigenous (Native ATLiens and those who embody and personify the Culture)
- The Adopted (Transplant ATLiens and those who have embraced and personify the Culture)
- The Invaders and the Music Industry
- The General Public and Pop Culture
Category 1 – Mother Hip Hop
Understanding Mother Hip Hop
As a Spiritual Guidepost and Spiritual Emanation, Mother Hip Hop encapsulates the “SOURCE” that powers all the Indigenous Peoples of the Planet.
To summarize her, we must think of her in three steps (The Holy Trinity).
- Step 1 – To truly understand her “Importance” to the Indigenous, you must “conceive” of her as the “Spiritual Sun” and “Source” of our Native Power.
- Step 2 – And when we speak of our “Heavenly Mother,” we USUALLY describe our connection to our SOURCE, not DIRECTLY about the Source.
- Step 3 – We personify her as an inanimate object, relic, force, or Spirit.
Did you get it?
When we speak of Mother Hip Hop, we are speaking about her as Our Source, Our Connection, and her Personification (Her Name).
The History of Mother Hip
She has thousands of names throughout history, but I’ll give a few here.
In Christianity, she is known as the Aeon Sophia and the Holy Spirit.
In Mythology, she has been personified with many names:
- The Holy Grail
- The Secret
- The Philosopher’s Stone
- Kundalini Energy
In ATL Hip Hop, she is personified as “That Fye.”
It must be ALWAYS UNDERSTOOD that rarely will you hear her name spoken, most Indigenous will speak about OUR CONNECTION to Mother Hip Hop and this leads us to her three gifts to ATL Hip Hop Culture.
Gift 1 – CRUNK
When our Culture was young and we were teenagers, we natively and instinctively spoke about being “CRUNK,” but as children, we did not care where it came from or how it emerged.
As a term, it is incredibly interesting when it is dissected.
CRUNK refers to an “elevated state of awareness where a person CATCHES FIRE.”
From the previous paragraph, we know this mysterious FIRE is Mother Hip Hop.
So, in this term, we are saying EXACTLY the same thing that the Church espouses when it says its members are catching “THE HOLY GHOST.”
So we must infer that CRUNK actually means the following:
When a Native ATLien, expressing himself through dance, achieves an elevated state of awareness within and captures the imagination of those watching.
We must marvel that, as Children, we were tapping into the timeless wisdom of our Ancestors and expressing it through DANCE.
However, the word CRUNK, although armed with a Spiritual Source, became dominated by GUYS and, over time, became a purely MASCULINE Term.
You may ask, what’s the problem?
The Problem is that this term, with a Genuine Origin, was shaped and coerced by Patriarchy and became limited to two things:
- Dancing by Professionals (Yeekers)
- Adoration by a Crowd
Within these limits, the definition changed to the following:
- When a Yeeker “catches fire” and captures the imagination of the crowd
As a result, the word CRUNK became stale and outdated and soon, gave way to another term.
Gift 2 – TURN UP
Mother Hip Hop, sensing the SOUL of the term losing its definition, bestowed upon us withe another gift.
Another Term.
Whereas the word CRUNK was limited to Yeekers and the Masculine Energy, this new term was more balanced, purely Feminine, and opened the world up to our ATL Hip Hop Culture.
Under the new gift, anyone could TURN UP:
- A SWATS grandmother could TURN UP in her own space and she was not judged by the Yeeker’s standard of performance
- A Therrell High School teacher could TURN UP and get closer to her students
- A Bunche Middle School student in House B could “TURN UP” and get three A’s in a row
- A Skater could “catch fye” on the Skating Rink and CRUSH the Competition by “TURNING UP”
As a result, the new gift opened up the world of ATL Hip Hop to everyone and not just those involved in the Culture.
Gift 3 – Diversity of Overlapping Cultures
To ensure that we would not be bottlenecked by Monotheism and Monotone Thought and Vertical Thought, Mother Hip Hop bestowed us with Overlapping Cultures that would shape and mold us into Self-Actualized Adults:
- Skate Culture
- DJ Culture
- ATL Hip Hop Culture
- Yeek Culture
- Club Culture
- Talent Show Culture
- Dance Battle Culture
- Fashion Culture
- Slow Jam Culture
- 80s Culture
- Boombox Culture
- Video Game Culture
- Teeny Bop Culture
- Slang Culture
- Indigenous Culture (Native ATLiens)
- So-Called Black Culture
- Transplant ATLien Culture
Category 2 – The Indigenous (Native ATLiens and those who embody and personify the Culture)
To those of us who grew up in the Culture in the 80s, it was a Magical Time.
Hip Hop came down from the Hemispheres with a Spiritual Light that allowed us to SHINE across the entire Globe.
Since we were FIRST, there were no Models and no Guides and no Tutorials and no Books.
As a result, the first principle of Hip Hop was introduced to us:
- You shall follow my Voice and like the Creator, you must CREATE and keep CREATING
Then, we were hit with the second principle:
- There will be no Biting (stealing, copying, etc.)
Now that we were armed with two voices and two principles, the Flame of ATL Hip Hop blazed across the City and lit our souls on fire with “that Fye!”
In Motherly Fashion, we received more principles as we evolved in the Culture:
- If you want to do something, go home and practice until you master it
- If you want to find the edge, do something no one has thought of or imagined
- If you want to be original, listen to your soul and spend time with yourself
- If you trust in me, your Heavenly Mother, I will take care of you for the rest of your life
At this stage, we lived by two voices (Mother Hip Hop and our Internal Voice) and these two voices balanced our lives and made us WHOLE.
As the 80s infused us with the Spirit of Mother Hip Hop, we were given the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.
And just like that, we entered the Kingdom of Heaven and expressed ourselves through the Culture now known as ATL Hip Hop.
Our weekdays were spent practicing and rehearsing and our weekends were spent expressing ourselves at Rainbow Arcade or the Jellybeans Skating Rink.
For us, the world was PERFECT because we lived in the bosom of Mother Hip Hop.
However, our time spent in Heaven was short-lived as we faced our first calamity that came from within the Culture:
- The Frailty of Human Nature (Competition, Control, and Cutting Corners)
It emerged from my brothers and sisters who broke the first two laws, being original (creating) and biting another person’s style.
They did the worst things that can be performed by someone in the Culture:
- Turn off your internal voice
- Ignore Mother Hip Hop’s voice
And with their gifts diluted, the Culture experienced the first wave of perversions:
- Serious Competing
- Competing to be Seen
- Caring more for the Crowd than the Culture
Now that I’m older, I know these decisions came from Peer Pressure, Bullying, the Stockholm Syndrome, Laziness, Slothfulness, Lying, and Cutting Corners.
After this calamity weakened the connections in the Culture, the second calamity’s enticement was overwhelming for those who had turned off their internal voices.
It must be noted this new calamity came from outside the Culture and it decimated the Culture:
- The Arrival of the Invaders, the Music Industry, and Money
And the second calamity was a Nuclear Bomb because the Invaders delivered a poisonous gas through a harsh and violent digital voice.
When I first heard it, I was bothered because of its disruptive tone and character.
Our original voices, Mother Hip Hop and my internal one, were Organic, soothing, and healed us with its Feminine and Cosmic Harmonies.
This new voice, The Invaders and their world, was artificial, digital, and LOUD.
It promised incentives that Mother Hip Hop never spoke about:
- You can join US in the Music Industry
- You can get a recording contract as a Rapper or a Rap Group
- You can go on tour with Michael Jackson, Lionel Richie, or New Edition
Eventually, many of my friends, brothers, and sisters gave in to the Artificial Voice and left Mother Hip Hop’s bosom for the Artificial world OUTSIDE of her loving arms and influence.
After this happened, the Culture was fragmented and two sides were created in Hip Hop:
- The Indigenous
- The Compromised
Category 3 – The Adopted (Transplant ATLiens and those who have embraced and personify the Culture)
Right on time, the Indigenous’ ranks were supplanted when visitors from other places migrated to ATL and joined the Culture.
They came from surrounding cities, Columbus and Albany and Greenville and Memphis, and joined our ranks.
Though these people were from elsewhere, their energy helped replenish all the power the Culture lost when the Natives drank the poisonous gas and become the Adopted.
Many of them have been in the Culture for several decades and, as of now, are considered Native ATLiens.
Category 4 – The Invaders and the Music Industry
The Invaders and the Music Industry will always see the Indigenous as being “in the way” of their plans to infest, poison, rape, and strip the Culture of its “fye” for financial gain.
Category 5 – The General Public and Pop Culture
The General Public and Pop Culture are followers, so we can never trust them or deal with them or talk to them about the Culture.
Like the Adopted, they have ingested the poisonous gas of the Invaders and the Music Industry and will be constantly swayed with Dysfunctional Group Hypnosis.
Now that I have given you the five major categories, I shall return to the original question.
- What is ATL Hip Hop Culture?
I will answer this in two parts.
First, it is the Divine Light from our source, Mother Hip Hop, and bestowed upon us as gifts that we wield as Sacred Artistic Expressions to cultivate and preserve the Culture.
Next, the first part cannot happen unless you accept and embrace the TRUTH through Honesty, Pure Thought, Pure Behavior, and becoming a mirror to reflect the Creator’s Light.
Homework Questions
Who or what is Mother Hip Hop?
Who are the Indigenous in ATL Hip Hop Culture?
Who are the Adopted?
Who or what is the Invaders?
How many major categories were presented in this Blog?
How does Mother Hip Hop fit into the ATL Hip Hop Culture?
Who or what is the “Source” of ATL Hip Hop Culture?
Can you list four different names for Mother Hip Hop?
Can you explain the term fye?
What is the Holy Trinity regarding to this blog?
What are the three gifts bestowed to Native ATLiens?
How many overlapping Cultures exist in the A?
Can you name six ATL Cultures?
What are the first three principles given to Native ATLiens?
According to this blog, can you name the two spots that Yeekers performed during the weekend in the 80s?
What were the two calamities that hit the Native ATLiens in the 80s?
Can you name the first three perversions that affected the Culture?
What are the two original voices that were heard by the Native ATLiens?
Who are the Compromised?
What’s the difference between the Adopted and the Compromised?