Understanding My Why

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I know these are turbulent times, but I have a few solutions that I’m certain will make a huge difference in your life.

But before I can help you, I want you to know the Truth.

The Why…


Why am I walking this path?

When I was a Youth, I always dreamed of being a Kemetic Scribe, tasked with ensuring the Metu NTR was always written correctly.

And I’m here to tell you, I have been given a wonderful reward for staying true to this Vision.

But first, I’ll share my Why with you.

Why my Path is important to my Future, Our Future.

Here is my Journey….

I have been tasked with Recovering the Ancient Language of Divine Communication.

And, believe it or not, Language is the MAIN PROBLEM of Communication.

So I’m going to follow the path of our Ancestors and create a visual communication tool OUTSIDE the limiting factors of Language.

What will be the name of this wonderful tool?

I’m not sure, I’m still working on it.

However, in these turbulent times, there must be a positive and spiritually uplifting voice to those who are uncertain about the future, about their lives, and about their place in the World.

I am one of those voices and I pledge to you…

This is a GIFT to not just you, but to all of Humanity.

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