A Movie Review is an Antiquated Propaganda Device, utilized by the Movie Studios and Newspapers, to drive Moviegoers to view certain movies.
It is often thought of and foolishly accepted as a Critic’s response or analysis of a Film, but the new Standard, the Movie Breakdown, has shown this to be a fallacy.
Because of its short length, it is unthinkable to consider the Movie Review as an analytical tool to fully encompass the complexity of a Great Film or Global Myth.
And Finally, due to Fake News, the Movie Review should be laid to rest, forgotten, and buried.
A Movie Review’s length varies from one paragraph to several paragraphs. 1,000 to 10,000 words.
A Movie Review is Non-Fiction and written in narrative prose.
Structure (Narrative and Story Development)
- Hook
- General Summary
- Narrator’s Opinion
- Evaluation of Movie Elements
- Conclusion
Structure (Stylistic and Literary Purpose)
Aimed as a Analytical tool, the Movie Review’s purpose revolves around the Narrator’s stylistic approach to explaining whether this is a good movie or not.
Stuff to know
A Movie Review is synonymous with a Film Review.
A Movie Review is NOT long enough to capture the complexity of a Great Film or Global Myth.
A Movie Review CAN capture a Bad or Undeveloped Movie.