3 Secrets to being a Creative


There’s a million little things that get people sidetracked, but I’ll give my 3 Secret Keys of Advice for a Long and Productive Life as a Creative.

I don’t want you to WASTE YOUR LIFE like I did when I first entered Screenwriting back in the 80s and got off track hundreds of time.

Key Point – Stay away from Good vs Evil Debate and Religious/Political Debate, there is either FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIOR (Efficient and Positive) or DYSFUNCTIONAL BEHAVIOR (Inefficient and Negative).

Secret #1 – The Little Things

Pay Attention to the Little Things, not the Big Things.

In other words, Stop All FORMS OF FOOLISHNESS (Issues, Situations, Arguments, Debates, etc.) when they are Little Things before they become Big Things.

For some reason, People wait until BIG THINGS happen and then, Everyone responds.


Every High School has bullies, but nobody says anything.

If the Bully bothers this one kid, day after day, nobody says ANYTHING.

The minute the kid gets mad, grabs a rock or a weapon, and Knocks the “SHIT” out of the Bully, now the ADULTS react.

Parents want to have PTA Meetings.

Parents want to come to school and complain about kids getting hurt.

Parents complain to the Principal and Teachers and Staff.

MORAL OF THE STORY – Nobody had a problem with the kid being bullied, so that means, Everybody AGREES with BULLYING (which is DETRIMENTAL to Humanity’s Progress)

Once again, somebody should have stopped the first act of bullying (Little Thing), but they chose to IGNORE that event.

Key Point – Look for areas where people IGNORE things or display IGNORANCE (root word being Ignore), you will ALWAYS find people supporting DYSFUNCTIONAL Behavior. 

Secret #2 – Student and Seeker

The Key to Success in Movies and in Reality is being a Student (Cultural, Thoughts, Psychological) and a Seeker (Behavior and Actions).

As a Seeker, your job is to keep seeking (stay in motion), stay curious, ask questions, seek solutions, and solve problems.

Key Point – In Movies and in Reality, the essential difference between the Protagonist and the Antagonist is their approach to the Moral Premise.

The Antagonist is LOW-VIBRATIONAL (Dysfunctional) because she has these qualities:

She is lazy and cuts corners

She refuses to go seeking

She refuses to take the Heroic Journey

As a result of this behavior, she NEVER GROWS and she is STUCK.

Key Point – In Movies and in Reality, if you can’t figure out who the BAD PERSON is, find the People who ARGUE TO PROVE THEIR POINT and JUSTIFY THEIR BEHAVIOR.  

On the other side of the movie, we have The Protagonist.

The Protagonist is a Student, she is curious, she is a Seeker, she’s taken the Heroic Journey, she solves problems, she seeks solutions, and as a RESULT, she DESERVES to succeed.

Key Point – In Movies and in Reality, the Good People are driven to ASK QUESTIONS and SEEK SOLUTIONS and FIND THE TRUTH.

Look at your life and study your family, friends, and relatives.

If they argue, debate, know everything, and justify their behavior, these are LVH (Low Vibrational People) and you should STAY AWAY!

If they maintain their childhood curiosity, ask questions, seek solutions, and solve problems, these are HVP (High Vibrational People) and you should stay in touch and consider them your Family, Friends, and Relatives. 

And this leads to Key Secret 3.

Secret #3 – The Essential Choice in All Stories

All Stories are based on ONE DECISION for all the Characters.

Are you going to DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO or are you going SEEK the Solution?

People who choose to do what they want are Dysfunctional (Low Vibrational People) and become Antagonists.

People who seek the Solution are Functional (High Vibrational People) and become Protagonists.

Key Point – There are LVPs and HVPs, so you MUST first become HVP. Then stay away from LVPs!

Final Advice after you become High-Vibrational Person

Quote – Don’t help the ones who Need it (Low Vibrational People), help the ones WHO DESERVE IT (High Vibrational People)

*** The Quote above is not mine, it comes from Jim Rohn ***


With these 3 Secret Keys, you should have an outstanding career in Storytelling and become a High-Vibrational Person…

Good Luck on your Heroic Journeys!

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