It’s time to correct an age-old Problem.
Joseph Campbell and Christopher Vogler have made The Hero’s Journey very popular, especially in Screenwriting.
But now, let’s clean up the language so we can move forward.
There isn’t a problem, but there is.
On one hand, we can say, “they addressed the feminine, we’re good.”
But on another hand, we can say, “was it really addressed?”
If we are stuck, all we need to do is go to another Arena for an answer.
Let’s migrate to the Black Lives Matter Platform.
One side says, “we don’t see the issue with tearing down statues, what’s the big deal?”
The other side says, “the fact that you don’t have a problem with these statues IS the problem.”
So, let’s not stop our momentum by NOT addressing the smaller details.
Of course, they make all the difference!
The Heroic Journey
Because of male dominance, many women have responded with brilliance:
– Herstory
– The Heroine’s Journey
I learned firsthand about Herstory when I took classes at Spelman College back in the 90s, what a wonderful experience!
I suggest all men experience this because you don’t have the chance to be Elitist or Egotistical.
I don’t care who you are, there’s going to be at least 10 women in class smarter than you and guess what?
They don’t really like you!
I promise you, Competition takes on a different meaning under these circumstances, but hey, I turned out all right.
Plus I met one of my Female Mentors, Donna Akiba Sullivan Harper!
The Heroine’s Journey is a book written by Maureen Murdock to address the “overly masculine” POV provided in the Hero’s Journey.
Can we argue with this response?
My Response
I respond by changing the language to encompass the Sacred Feminine.
Rather than calling it the Hero’s Journey, I have renamed this Journey as the “Heroic” Journey because it is not just “masculine.”
Girls and Women are able to look at this Journey and raise their heads because being heroic is not gender-specific.
However, we must take into consideration that the Hero’s Journey was identified by Joseph Campbell, a man.
And we must ask, is it POSSIBLE what he saw was colored by “masculine” eyes?
Should we allow women to revisit his research and identify the “Heroic” Journey from the Feminine Perspective?
Do you agree?
Why or Why not?