The Digital Grail – Episode 5 – The Magical World of GUI Village

Season 1: Quest for the Digital Grail

A thrilling blend of tech adventure, philosophy, and storytelling, “Quest for the Digital Grail” takes viewers on a whimsical journey through the digital landscape, where every line of code and keystroke leads to unexpected enlightenment.

Episode 5 – The Magical World of GUI Village

I hid in the trees and eyed the white unicorn drinking water from the Microsoft Ocean.

I stubbed my toe on a rock and he looked up.

He looked in both directions and I hid behind the tree.

I waited a few seconds and looked.

He was gone!

I sighed, how could a unicorn move so fast.

Who are you traveler?

I turned and it was the unicorn, I couldn’t go back now.

My name is Miquiel Banks, I seek your help in crossing the waters.

What are you seeking to accomplish traveler?

I am seeking the Golden Pen.

The unicorn winnowed and shot water in my face from its horn.

As I wiped my face, he laughed.

Why do you think I can help you?

I was told that you are MS WORD and you are the standard way that writers travel when they first start off. 

What else were you told?

I was told that you have a lot of rules, but once I learn the rules, then I can break them.

You seem to have had the proper guides along your path, are you ready to cross the waters?

Before I could respond, the unicorn’s wings swooped me up, put me on his back, and then it took off.

As we flew above the Microsoft Ocean, he gave me the background of the area.

The Microsoft ocean began with two wizards, Paul Allen and Bill Gates. They created a new serum for traveling and their first potion, the IBM, began their conquest to formulate this ocean.

I noticed several ships and islands engaged in Maritime trade and I pointed, he smiled.

The Microsoft Ocean began after the wizards made their fortunes from these magical windows. The windows allowed any traveler to go from the village of Code to the village of GUI.

What exactly is GUI village?

GUI village is where travelers see the world differently.

Different how?

Let me show you and just like that, the unicorn dove and sped up until I passed out.

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