Season 1: Quest for the Digital Grail
A thrilling blend of tech adventure, philosophy, and storytelling, “Quest for the Digital Grail” takes viewers on a whimsical journey through the digital landscape, where every line of code and keystroke leads to unexpected enlightenment.
Episode 6 – Browser Island
The GUI Village was a wonderful place, much different from the world I came from.
In my world, everything revolved around the proper code and etiquette.
In this world, all that mattered was how things looked and visual design.
I spent several weeks in this wonderful place, honing my visual design skills.
While there, I was surprised that unicorns not only lived there, they engaged in Maritime Trade.
My two favorite unicorns, Goalscape and Scrivener, were wonderful guides in design thinking.
My first few weeks were spent training with Goalscape.
He was well-rounded, adept with words, and was more organized than any being in the GUI Village.
Others sought him out for his two specialties – Visual Design and Project Management.
He taught his classes using a local language called Flash.
Many of the locals loved the native language, but the newcomers complained that his native language would be phased out when the internet arrived.
I often avoided travelers, but this new thing, this internet, I just had to know.
Excuse me sir, can you tell me more about the internet?
The elder traveler laughed, my young traveler, these people and their native language is already old.
What do you mean already old?
Where I come from, the internet has been going on for some time, we’ve grown into what we call an Internet of Things, or IOT.
I paused and sighed, wow, that sounds amazing! Where can I get access to see this internet?
He stepped back and eyed over my right shoulder.
I looked back and Scrivener the Unicorn huffed and puffed.
The elder traveler eyed me and said he had to go and sped away.
I turned and faced Scrivener.
What was wrong with him?
There was nothing wrong, it’s just that you are seeking the Golden Pen and you don’t want to get bogged down in this new world, this internet. Your focus should be on the journey and finding the Golden Pen. Don’t let the internet distract you from your real purpose. I hate to inform you Miquiel Banks, but it’s time.
It’s time for what?
It’s time for you to leave GUI Village. Your next stop will be a new land called Browser. It is composed of several cities: Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, Edge, OmniWeb, Avant, Konqueror, Flock and Lynx. Have a great time in the new land.