Indigenous vs. Invaders, what’s the difference?

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πŸ’‘ β€œTo my indigenous peoples, let the world know you’re equal. All the fake history they teachin’, I’ma reveal it.”

– Kendrick Lamar


This is a FOUNDATIONAL CONCEPT and without this in your awareness or historical framework, you’re going to “MISS” the Truth.

I can tell you this, if someone professes to love Hip Hop and are part of its Culture, and they don’t share this with you, then they are either tricking you or scamming you.

Why does this concept exist?

In the Founder’s Era of ATL Hip Hop, the Culture was driven by two datasets.

The first dataset (INTERNAL) already existed within us:

  • Imagination
  • Creativity
  • Originality

The second set (LEARNED BEHAVIOR) was bestowed unto us from Mother Hip Hop:

  • Discipline
  • Trust
  • Patience

It is with these 6 Gifts that our entire Culture expanded our consciousness, unlocked certain DNA components, and allowed us to take ideas and concepts and “ARTISTICALLY EXPRESS” them uniquely.

Who are the Indigenous?

Here is the traditional definition of my Folks:

<aside> πŸ’‘ We are the original inhabitants of a particular region or land. They have deep historical and cultural ties to the land, often tracing their ancestry back for generations or even millennia. Indigenous communities possess unique languages, cultures, traditions, and belief systems that are distinct from those of the dominant or colonizing societies. They have a profound connection to their ancestral lands and often view themselves as custodians or stewards of the environment.


The Main Ingredients

This is a decent definition, but let’s add the proper ingredients so it will stick:

  • We were here before it became “Popular” or a “Fad”
  • We were here before Cameras and Recording Tools existed
  • We were here before anybody made records or started talking about records
  • We were here before GROUPTHINK
  • We were here before PEER PRESSURE
  • We were here before EDUCATION
  • We were here before there were any books or media about our Culture
  • We were here before the Libraries knew we existed
  • We were here before any Crowds or Groups of People knew we existed
  • We were here before TV, Radio, Pop Culture, and the World knew we existed
  • We were here before “being seen” was invented
  • We were here before the Record Labels
  • We were here before “Money” infected the Compromised

The Seasoning

Now with those ingredients, I need you to orient your understanding:

  • We had no help from videos or other people to get better
  • We had no one to train us how to get better
  • We got better by our IMAGINATION and CREATIVITY
  • We had no schools or communities or groups to join for Counseling
  • We trained daily to get better with no help from anyone else

The Principles of ATL Hip Hop Culture

There are 3 Principles from the Founders Era:

  • Mother Hip Hop (The Unseen Spirit)
  • Create, NEVER Copy!
  • Intrinsic Motivation

The First Division

We were given a Choice early in our Existence:

  • The Cypher or the Battle?

It seems minor now, but this is the “choice” that broke the Founders into two camps:

  • The Indigenous – those who trusted in Mother Hip Hop
  • The Compromised – those who trusted in the Record Labels

As a result, these two camps became bitter enemies without the baggage.

However, it is the Second Division that erupted our Culture and destroyed the UNITY.

The Second Division (The Invaders)

With the Record Labels coming in for Fresh Blood, many of us recognize them for who they are.

They are “The Invaders.”

And here’s their traditional definition:

<aside> πŸ’‘ The term “invaders” generally refers to groups or individuals who enter a territory or region from elsewhere, typically through conquest, colonization, or migration. Invaders can come from different backgrounds and may have different motivations, such as seeking economic opportunities, political control, or escaping conflict or persecution. They are often associated with the dominant or colonizing societies that establish control over the lands and resources of indigenous peoples.


So, now I ask you, how could they have any good intentions for our Culture?


Now that you have a better understanding of the Invaders and their purpose, this is an easy answer now.

Let’s revisit the original question.

  • Indigenous vs. Invaders, what’s the difference?

Now that you know there are two sides, it’s up to you to choose a side.

But I strongly suggest, you choose very carefully.

You never know, your life may depend on it.

Homework Questions

  1. What is a Foundational Concept?
  2. What makes “something” a Foundational Concept in ATL Hip Hop?
  3. Who are the Indigenous in ATL Hip Hop?
  4. When did the Indigenous begin?
  5. Who are the Compromised?
  6. What are the 3 Principles of ATL Hip Hop?
  7. What is an internal dataset?
  8. What is an external dataset?
  9. Can you define the 3 Gifts bestowed unto the Indigenous?
  10. What is GROUPTHINK?
  11. Can you name 8 Main Ingredients?
  12. Can you name 5 Forms of Seasoning?
  13. What was The Cypher or the Battle?
  14. What’s the First Division?
  15. What’s the Second Division?

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