What is a Miracle?

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A miracle is never seen or witnessed, it can only be experienced.

  • Miquiel Banks

Reality Question 1 - Are you tethered to Reality?

In the Indigenous Realm, we are Tethered to Reality by a powerful term – Cosmology.

It is this “Animating Spiritual Connection” that powers all of our Culture.

In Hip Hop Culture, we call this term Mother Hip Hop.

Reality Question 2 - What is a Miracle?

A Miracle is a fact or part of reality that is NOT acknowledged by the General Population of Earth.

Reality Question 3 - Why are miracles not popular?

As Indigenous, we must remember.

Much of what is considered miracles is not for the general population, and as a result, was never meant to be experienced by EVERYONE.


As a result, we must ALSO acknowledge that Hip Hop is Indigenous Culture and is NOT for the General Population, which is why it looked SO BAD to us in the Olympics.

The very concept that the world can agree on Competing in Sports, Steal Indigenous Culture without proper citation, and think this is NORMAL is evidence of the Scammer’s Mindset and the Limbic Litigation.

Now that we’ve identified the 3 Major Reality Questions, let’s discuss the Miracles themselves.

Miracle 1 - Experiencing Real and Deeper Reality

Most of the General Population of Earth thinks that Plants are just things, not even living beings.

Their ARROGANCE is marked by a simple fact, they live out their delusions that plants exist so that “we can eat them” and that plants “want to be eaten.”

Now, if we ask them, let’s take you out to the wilderness, so you can be eaten by a Big Cat,” and they will RUN FOR THEIR LIVES.

Under that situation, why would plants SIMPLY exist for them to be eaten by us?

I can say, to my wonderful Indigenous Lifetime, I experienced a “Plant Moving.”

It was very late, nearly midnight, and Melanie Ferguson and I arrived at her house and both of us were very tired, nearly sleep.

She turned off her car and as we sat in the car, nearly sleep, we left the Ordinary World and experienced the Stillness of NIGHT.

The Plant, inside her neighbor’s backyard, registered that NO ONE was around and, in the warm embrace of Moonlight, it BEGAN MOVING.

I turned to my right and there, the plant STARTED MOVING and all I could do was admire the beauty of such a SIGHTING.

Minutes Later, Mellie Mel and I went into her house and I eyed her and she smiled, Yes, I saw the plant move, did you?

It has been “PROVEN BY SCIENCE” that Plants are alive, they can talk, they are telepathic, and they even “communicate” with sentient life in outer space.

Doesn’t that make them more advanced by Human Beings?

Miracle 2 - Communicating with other Life Forms

While in Florida, I often spent time at the Pier calling out to the Ocean using MY MIND.

I would shout loudly – Hello Friends, I am here!

Often, a Dolphin would hear me and come to the Pier and show its face to let me know they heard me.

I swear – EVERY TIME – this was happening, some lower-vibrational beings would rush over and take pictures with their cameras and make the Dolphins leave.

This is not a miracle, this is Reality for the Indigenous.

Miracle 3 - Predicting the Future

In our realm, we use Cosmology to design our Purpose.

With Purpose, we’re able to view Reality as one seamless dream – Past, Present, Future.

On that seamless dream, we experience Reality through our PreFrontal Cortex and use Smart-Planning – We Design in the Future and work backwards.

Although this is a SIMPLE CONCEPT, the general population finds this “NORMAL ACTIVITY” unbelievable and out of the realm of “SO-CALLED” Reality.

Miracle 4 - Superhuman Activities and Abilities

All of the General Population of Earth is fascinated with Heroines, Super Heroines, and Super Powers.

It is in THEIR NATURE to find these things FASCINATING and therefore, they live out their Limbic Litigation in search of more “Herculean and Heroic Events.”

It is in OUR NATURE to design PURPOSE and solve problems.

Miracle 5 - Talking to and hearing Voices

On the TV Series, Manifest, there is a concept known as “The Callings.”

For those of use who are Indigenous, this is ANCIENT and NORMAL.

For the rest of the world, it’s NOT REAL and it’s a FIGMENT OF SOMEONE’S IMAGINATION.

It is NOT our place to convince them, they are the ones who are lost and not TETHERED to Reality.

When I was younger, I was hanging out at a Record Shop in Kings Village Apartments and I was listening to the Music.

The voice told me to go outside and when I walked outside, it identified a car sitting in the parking lot.

The voice told me that the person was a “bad man” and it was going to get rid of him.

Then, the voice told me to walk this way, walk that way, and not to worry, the man would follow, but he would not CATCH ME.

As a result, the man followed me and as I ran and duck and dodged, the Voice led me back to my Grandmother’s Apartment.

I went inside and I told my auntie, Aunt Liz – Elizabeth Prince Taylor, about the man.

She called the police and told me to go back outside and play on the bridge and act as if nothing was wrong.

While I played, the man sat in the car, watching me.

Later, two police cars pulled up on the guy and they approached him in the car and arrested him.

While they were handcuffing him, he eyed me and screamed, “We’re gonna get you, all of you!” and they took him to jail.

What did he mean, all of you?

I later found out that many “Indigenous Children” were being abducted and this became known as the Missing and Murdered Children in Atlanta GA.

Unfortunately, the oldest one that was abducted was 27 year-old Nathaniel Cater, my uncle and the youngest brother of my father, Levi Banks.

While at Georgia State University, our Professor told us that all of the abducted children, who were mostly men, had been castrated and that the CDC were doing experiments on Melanin and discovered the most potent area for Melanie was in the tip of a young Indigenous man’s penis.

And he asked one question, is this coincidence, and never brought up the subject again in class.

After I grew up and went to the Military, I was in Desert Storm and faced with an unbelievable dilemma.

Unable to seal a gas mask, do I move forward into certain death by a Scud Missile or do I walk away in the open desert with all of its dangers?

After having a premonition and vision, I awoke on my cot and my sergeant walked in the tent, “Banks, it’s time to leave, pack up your stuff.”

As I sat up, a voice whispered, “If you don’t leave now, you’re going to die.”

I shook my head and ignored it.

A few minutes later, the voice spoke with more emotion and anger, “If you don’t leave now, you’re going to die.”

I sat still, was this really happening?

A few minutes later, the voice SHOUTED, “If you don’t leave now, you’re going to die.”

I paused and thought about my situation.

I am in a Foreign Country, I don’t have a gas mask, I don’t have a weapon, I don’t have water, I don’t have food. . .

Then the voice got mad, “Leave Now!”

So, I sat up and walked out of my tent around 3 am in Pitch Black Darkness and trusted the Voice.

As a result, I am now still alive at age 54, fighting for Mother Hip Hop and Indigenous Culture. and I am ACTIVE in ARNA.


For those outside the Inner Circle, it is your DESTINY to keep living in Spookville powered by The Limbic Litigation.

For my Indigenous Brothers and Sisters, I implore you to step out on Reality and let Reality speak to you.

And I say to you, Welcome Home!

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