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What is a Movie Breakdown?

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đź’ˇ Background – The term, Movie Breakdown, was coined by Mitchell German after he read one of MB’s Movie Reviews (at that time).


  1. Overview (Title, Release Date, Storyline, Synopsis, Taglines, Genres, Keywords, Era, Title Review, Tagline Review, More Taglines, etc.)
  2. Theme (Fantasies, Story Concept, Dilemma, Theme, Virtue, Vice, Moral Premise)
  3. Story World (Significant Event, Story Events, Story Locations, Story Worlds, Establishing Shots, Genre)
  4. Character (Clans, Protagonists, Allies, Threshold Guardians, Antagonists)
  5. The Four Questions (Who is the heroine, What does she want, Who’s trying to stop her, What happens if she fails)
  6. The Archetypes (Orphan, Wanderer, Warrior, Martry/Magician)
  7. Character Relationships (Virtue, Vice, Revelations, Quotes)
  8. Structure – Sequences (Protagonist POV)
  9. Structure – Sequences (Story POV)
  10. Structure – Storylines
  11. Structure – Fence Posts
  12. Save the Cat Beat Sheet – Blake Snyder
  13. Scene Listing
  14. Imagery (Symbols, Images, Codes, Motifs, Acronyms)
  15. Bookends (Opening Image, Closing Image, Bookends Juxtaposed)
  16. Values (Mystical Function, Cosmological Function, Sociological Function, Pedagogical Function, Culture, Rituals, Risks)
  17. Did you know
  18. Statistics
  19. References (Relevant Movies, etc.


A Movie Breakdown ranges from 20 pages up to 150 pages.


A Movie Breakdown is ALWAYS Non-Fiction.

Structure (Narrative and Story Development)

A Movie Breakdown differs by its length and this difference is limited by the Author’s Knowledge of Film, Myth, Semiotics, Archetypes, Psychology, Sociology, Mysticism, and other Wisdom Teachings.

Structure (Stylistic and Literary Purpose)

A Movie Breakdown’s aesthetics and beauty lies in how the Author presents the information.

Other Issues

Because of a Movie Breakdown’s stringent requirements, you will not see many Bloggers or Writers partaking in this endeavor.

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